Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vanilla bean icecream

Am LOVING my ice cream machine! :D

2 cups thickened cream
1 cup whole milk
2 vanilla beans
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup sugar

In a saucepan gently warm the milk - slice open the vanilla beans and scrape out the seeds, add to the milk, and add the seed pods to the milk. Allow to chill completely then remove the pods. Whisk in the cream, sugar and vanilla extract and pour into your icecream churn. Freeze completely when done :)

Creamy chicken and leek pie with Camembert

Creamy chicken and leek pie with Camembert - Oh so tasty :)

600g chicken diced
1 large leek washed and sliced
100g Camembert cheese, cubed, rind removed if you so wish
1 cup thickened cream
1 cup milk
1/2 cup chicken stock
2 tablespoons plain flour

Salt and pepper to taste
2 sheets puff pastry

In a large saucepan lightly brown the chicken then add the leek. Stir in the flour, add the milk, cream and stock, stir. Add in the cheese, and simmer 20 minutes or thereabouts. Remove from heat, let cool, and cool in the fridge for a while.

Grease a pie dish, and line with the pastry - then fill with chicken mixture. Top with the other sheet of pastry, brush lightly with olive oil or a lightly beaten egg and bake at around 180C until the pastry is golden brown.

Ultra-rich flourless chocolate cake

This is a real indulgence - and best served with icecream or double cream :)

400g of GOOD quality dark chocolate (at least 50% cocoa) (Can use milk choccie I guess.. )
200g butter

5 egg yolks
5 egg whites (from when you separate the yolks.. duh) - don't do what I did and be lazy, DO separate them over a separate bowl, and add it to the bigger bowl one at a time sort of thing, rather than separate the whites into one dish - I wasted 4 whites because the 5th egg WAS ROTTEN!! And so it all went into the bowl of whites. YUCKKY.
Pinch of salt
Half a capful of white vinegar

In a double boiler gently melt the chocolate and butter together.
Lightly whisk the egg yolks until pale and thick while the chocolate is melting.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg whites, salt and vinegar together until stiff peaks form, you should be able to turn the bowl upside down and not have it slip out - I did it!! :D

The chocolate/butter should be blood temperature - remove it from the heat, add the egg yolks and whisk in quickly. (If the chocolate's too hot, you'll have chocolate scrambled eggs.)
Gently and carefully fold in half of the egg white meringue mix, then the other half. Fold to mix.
Pour into a lightly greased cake tin, bake at 160C for around 30-45 minutes. It will sink in the middle etc.
Cool in the tin then wrap in cling-wrap and keep it in the fridge for a day or at least a few hours. Turns out very fudgey :)