Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lazy Day Mexican Chicken Stuffed Capsicums

Great for those lazy days when you just can't be bothered!

Grab a bbq chook or use some "here's some I prepared earlier!" leftover roast chicken and shred it.
Boil up/steam/use your fancy pants rice cooker -  1 cup of rice (Remember kids, 1 cup raw = 3 cup cooked!) Drain and set aside.
In a pot on medium heat with a bit of oil for lubrication, pop your chicken into that and sprinkle over 1 packet of taco seasoning mix, stir til it's coated. Then mix in 1 hot salsa dip sauce. Then tip in the rice. Mix until well combined. Remove from the heat.

Capsicums! Slice them in half lengthways and scoop out the seeds/ribs (those white bits!) and lay flat on a baking tray, then fill with the chicken/rice mixture and sprinkle on some grated tasty cheese. Bake around 190C for about 15 minutes.

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